Thursday, December 30, 2010

Save Power Energy While Surf On The Internet

 Blackle is a website powered by Google Custom Search and was created by Heap Media, which aims to save energy by displaying a black background and using grayish-white font color for search results
Blackle was created by Heap Media to remind us all of the need to take small steps in our everyday lives to save energy. Blackle searches are powered by Google Custom Search.
Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. "Image displayed is primarily a function of the user's color settings and desktop graphics, as well as the color and size of open application windows; a given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen." Roberson et al, 2002.  

The concept behind Blackle is that computer monitors can be made to consume less energy by displaying much darker colors. Blackle is based on a study which tested a variety of CRT and LCD monitors. There is dispute over whether there really are any energy saving effects

The concept behind is CRT monitors uses less energy in displaying black pixels than displaying white pixels. So using black background for web pages, ultimately reduces power consumption by CRT monitors.

The energy saved by using black google is around 750 Megawatts hours a year as per

 More details :-

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gmail Drive

Who today does not Have a GMail account?  Those who do not use GMail to fully Exploiting the Possibilities available with this service at home Google.One possibility is offered by GMail Drive Shell Extension, a utility that once downloaded and installed will allow us to use more than 6GB of space offered by GMail as an online data storage, ie a true extension of our hard disk. .The operation of the tool is simple: The operation of the tool is simple:

1. Download Gmail Drive Shell Extension  and extracting the zip file and run it by running setup.exe 

   2. Install The Software
3. After Installing ,A drive named Gmail drive In Your My Computer Like C:, D:  will be created .Double click on it.

   4. Login It  
   5. Paste Your Document.
GMail Drive Shell Extension will load each file copied into the GMail Drive, as an email attachment you'll find in your inbox by accessing  GMail. . If you do not want to find in your inbox emails with the attachment, you just create a filter on your Gmail settings.

(Note :- This Drive uses The same Policy (like type of file and max file size etc..) Already In Attachment )


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Google CL(Command Line)

If you're a fan of the utility from command line you can not help but be pleasantly surprised by GoogleCL, a new open source tools (issued by Google) That Allows access to all services through the search engine, in fact, the command line . Thank GoogleCL you can easily create a new post on Blogger or upload your photos to Picasa using only text-based command prompt, whether you use Linux and Windows, provided you have installed Python. Thank GoogleCL You Can Easily create a new post on Blogger or Picasa to upload your photos using only text-based command prompt, Whether you use Linux and Windows, Provided You Have installed Python.


GoogleCL fact is nothing more than a Python script that allows you to use quickly and easily directly, via the command line, all Google services exposed through the GData API. GoogleCL fact is Nothing More Than a Python script That Allows You to Quickly and Easily use Directly, via the command line, all Google services Exposed through the GData API.

GoogleCL brings most of all the services provided by Google to the command-line. That means, it allows users to post, create, list or delete photos from an existing Picasa account, videos from a YouTube account, edit, list or upload documents from your Google Docs account, add, delete or list events from Google Calendar or post on your Blogger weblog.

  • Blogger
  • $ google blogger post --title "foo" "command line posting"
  • Calendar
  • $ google calendar add "Lunch with Jim at noon tomorrow"
  • Contacts
  • $ google contacts list Bob name,email > the_bobs.csv
  • Docs
  • $ google docs edit "Shopping list"
  • Picasa
  • $ google picasa create "Cat Photos" ~/photos/cats/*.jpg
  • Youtube
  • $ google youtube post --category Education killer_robots.avi
    (note:- In First Time After Enter Your user-name it Redirect to browser For Access Permission and Validation ) 

Windows 7 God Mode

Windows 7 is predominantly the best OS ever in the history Of Microsoft. But,do you know that it has a GodMode within it ?
There is a hidden “GodMode” feature that lets a user access all of the operating system’s control panel features from within a single folder.
To enter “GodMode,” one need to create a new folder and then rename the folder to the following:
Just try it.....
Found some more of Microsoft’s inbuilt godmode dev tools-
Append each of these after “FolderName.”

Example- sathees-tips.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}


Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcut ( Unknown )

We love shortcuts! They make our work easier and our computing more productive. For those of us whose hands ache from over using the mouse, shortcuts can add hours of pain-free computer time.
Along with the new window management features in windows 7 comes shortcuts for those features to completely bypass the mouse. This makes the new features more user-friendly, and solidifies the hope that Microsoft really is listening to their customers. 
Windows Logo + Right Arrow: Sends the window to the right half of the screen. This is a new feature in Windows 7—usually, you must drag the window all the way to the very bottom right corner for Windows to recognize you want to dock this window on the right. This shortcut sends the window there with just a button click.

Windows Logo + Left Arrow: Sends the window the left half of the screen. When used with the shortcut above, you can see your windows side by side. This is great for comparing products online or fact checking with the internet in one window and a Word file in another.

Windows Logo + Home: Minimizes or restores everything but the current window. Windows 7 allows users to “shake” the current window to minimize all other windows. This shortcut takes the place of the awkward shaking.

Windows Logo + "+": Hitting this shortcut will zoom in. Windows 7 has a magnifier that works with almost any window. This shortcut activates the magnifier.

Windows Logo +" –": Conversely, this shortcut allows you to zoom out. It should be easy to remember—plus zooms in, minus zooms out.

Windows Logo + "G": Displays gadgets in front of other windows. So, if you are making use of the gadgets and want to see what they are doing behind your current windows, just quickly hit this shortcut and the gadgets appear on top of your current windows.

Windows Logo + Up Arrow: Maximizes the current window.

Windows Logo + Down Arrow: Minimizes the current window.


What Is Task manager ( For Beginners )

A software utility found in Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP  etc... that enables a user to view each of the tasks currently running on the computer, each of the processes, and the overall performance of the computer. The Task Manager is easily accessed by pressing: "Ctrl + Alt + Del" on the keyboard. Below is a visual example of the Microsoft Windows Task Manager under Windows 2000. A quicker way to access the Task Manager is to press: Ctrl + Shift + Esc.
  • Task Manager can also be executed by running the taskmgr.exe file from the C:\Windows\System32 directory or by clicking Start, Run and typing taskmgr.
  • If a program is no longer responding users can also choose to "End Task" from the Task Manager to close the program without restarting the computer.
  • Earlier versions of Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98) had a program known as tasks to display the current programs currently running. This file was executed by running the taskman.exe file from the C:\Windows directory.
If you're encountering issues opening the Task Manager it's possible that the computer could be infected with a virus or spyware. There are known malware designed to cause issues with opening the task manager and End Tasking them. If you're not able to open Task Manager using any of the recommendations on this page i suggest scanning your computer for viruses and spy-ware.


 Microsoft Windows Task Manager is a general quick and easy method of seeing what is running on the computer. As can be seen in the above example picture of the Windows Task Manager will first display the applications currently open. From here you can end any application that may not be responding or can't be closed.
Clicking on the Processes tab will not only display the applications that are running on the computer, but also all Windows processes that are affiliated with programs, drivers, and other hardware installed on the computer. In addition to seeing a list of processes, you'll also be able to quickly identify what processes are consuming your resources by clicking on "CPU" or "Mem Usage" buttons to sort by highest to lowest.
Windows process tool
Unfortunately, not all processes and services can be seen by the Windows Task Manager.  Which is why, if you're concerned with hidden background programs or other malicious software, you may want to try running a utility such as HijackThis etc..tool to get a full understanding of what is running and installed on your computer.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Unknown Mouse Trick

Mouse wheel tricks
If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel on it, you can do This cool tricks.......

Shift & Spin

Ever wonder what happens when you hold down the Shift key on a web page and spin the wheel on your wheel mouse? Explorer goes either back or forward, depending on which direction you spin.

Give it a try. Open up Internet Explorer(or any other browser) and follow a few links. Then, hold down your SHIFT key and spin that wheel.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

How Simply Share Large No Of Files Or Folders In Another Way

If you’ve got a large number of folders you want to share on the network, navigating to

each one of them and going into their properties and changing them one by one
. Even sharing can be as simple as “Next, next, and next” with the

Shared Folder Wizard (Start > Run > “shrpubw” > [Enter]).

You can even set share permissions right there, so there’s no need to go back to those

shared folders for additional settings. Just remember to check the “Run this wizard

box at the last dialog if you want to move on to the next folder.

 (Note:- My Experience In This Method This Is Only a Different Way To Share Files. This Takes same user Effort like Simple Right click Method).


Friday, December 24, 2010

Watch Any Movie In Paint (100%) Working

* First start a movie in any player.

* Then open Paint.

* Now, in the player when the movie is being played , press "Print screen" button on your 
   key  board.

* Now, Press ctrl+v in Paint

* Leave the movie player open and don't minimize it.

* Open Paint now and see the movie in the Paint

*  you can edit it also



Thursday, December 23, 2010

Most Common Function Key (F1 to F12) Uses

Commonly known as "function keys", F1 through F12 may have a variety of different uses or no use at all. Depending on the installed operating system and the software program currently open will change how each of these keys operate. A program is capable of not only using each of the function keys, but also combining the function keys with the ALT and/or CTRL keys, for example, Microsoft Windows users can press ALT + F4 to close the program currently active.
Below is a short-listing of some of the common functions of the functions keys on computers running Microsoft Windows. As mentioned above not all programs support function keys and/or may perform different tasks then those mentioned below. If you are looking for more specific shortcut keys and function key examples we suggest seeing our shortcut key page.
  • Almost always used as the help key, almost every program will open the help screen when this key is pressed.
  • Windows Key + F1 would open the Microsoft Windows help and support center.
  • Open the Task Pane.
  • In Windows commonly used to rename a highlighted icon or file.
  • Alt + Ctrl + F2 opens a new document in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl + F2 displays the print preview window in Microsoft Word.
  • Often opens a search feature for many programs including Microsoft Windows.
  • Shift + F3 will change the text in Microsoft Word from upper to lower case or a capital letter at the beginning of every word.
  • Open find window.
  • Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)
  • Alt + F4 will close the program currently active in Microsoft Windows.
  • Ctrl + F4 will close the open window within the current active window in Microsoft Windows.
  • In all modern Internet browsers pressing F5 will refresh or reload the page or document window.
  • Open the find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft Word.
  • Starts a slideshow in PowerPoint.
  • Move the cursor to the Address bar in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F6 opens to another open Microsoft Word document.
  • Commonly used to spell check and grammar check a document in Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, etc.
  • Shift + F7 runs a Thesaurus check on the word highlighted.
  • Turns on Caret browsing in Mozilla Firefox.
  • Function key used to enter the Windows startup menu, commonly use to get into Windows Safe Mode.
  • Opens the Measurements toolbar in Quark 5.0.
  • In Microsoft Windows activates the menu bar of an open application.
  • Shift + F10 is the same as right-clicking on a highlighted icon, file, or Internet link.
  • Full-screen mode in all modern Internet browsers.
  • Open the Save as window in Microsoft Word.
  • Shift + F12 save the Microsoft Word document.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F12 prints a document in Microsoft Word.


Get Network Computer Serial No Remotely Without Searching In CPU

Dear all We can Easily get Serial No From remote computer With-out Searching in the CPU cabinet.(Windows Os Only)
Just Copy and paste below Codes in Notepad And save it as anyname.VBS and Double Click On it then Enter Ip Address Or Computer name you Wish To Query.

On Error Resume Next
ComputerName = InputBox("Enter the name of the computer you wish to query")
winmgmt1 = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//"& ComputerName &""
'WScript.Echo winmgmt1
Set SNSet = GetObject( winmgmt1 ).InstancesOf ("Win32_BIOS")
for each SN in SNSet
    MsgBox "The serial number for the specified computer is: " & SN.SerialNumber
If Err.Number <> 0 Then ShowError("Failed To Conncet Specified Computer This May Be Problem With Authentication Or Remote Computer is Notavailable ")
Sub ShowError(strMessage)
    WScript.Echo strMessage
End Sub

Wait a moment while it display a Serial No. If You want Your Local Computer Serial No Just click Cancel On the Above window.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Remotely Access Network Computer Command Prompt from Your Computer

Dear All We can Access drive data And files using run from Network computer but we can also access command prompt  from Network Computer.
Yes This Is a Microsoft Tool to run command prompt from network computer from your computer.


1. Dwonload PSEXEC tool (112 KB) And Extract It.(download given below)
2. Open Command Prompt in Your Local computer  And Go to Downloaded location.
(ex: c:\windows\  )
3. Type " PSEXEC cmd " without quotes this will open new command prompt.

4. Then Type "PSEXEC \\ your network system name CMD"

( Note this Take default Administrator Privilege To LogIn In to different  username just Type
"PSEXEC -u yourusername \\ your network system name CMD" press enter this asks password for your administrator user )

5.Now This is enable you to access command prompt from your specified computer

 For More Options Type PSEXEC /? and press enter.

Download Link:-


Monday, December 20, 2010

Squeeze Any Long URLs Into Fewer Characters

The Google URL Shortener at is a service that takes long URLs and squeezes them into fewer characters to make a link easier to share, tweet, or email to friends. For example, the short URL is a convenient shorthand representation for the long URL

How do I use the Google URL Shortener?

Go to and paste the long URL you wish to shorten into the input box at the top of the page. Click "Shorten" and to the right of the box you’ll see a short URL that can be copied and pasted anywhere you’d like to share it.
If you’d like to track the analytics of your shortened URL, please sign in to your Google Account before shortening your URL. Your shortened URL will automatically be added to your history.

Why use the Google URL Shortener?

People share a lot of links online. This is particularly true as micro-blogging services such as Twitter and Google Buzz have grown in popularity. With character limits in tweets, status updates, and other modes of short form publishing, a shorter URL leaves more room to say what's on your mind.
Our primary goal in making this service publicly available to all users is to harness Google’s global production infrastructure to provide users with the following benefits:
  • Stability - reliable service with good up-time
  • Security - warning message if the short URL points to a suspected malware, phishing, or spam website
  • Speed - fast resolution of short URLs (in a few milliseconds)

Features short URLs are randomly generated, and the mappings of short URLs to long URLs are publicly accessible. Additionally, the short URL to long URL mappings are:
  • Immutable - once created by you, no one else can change them
  • Irrevocable - once created, they do not expire. Note, however, that Google reserves the right to remove any short URL, for example for spam, security or legal reasons

Friday, December 17, 2010

Quickly Zoom Images By Hovering Mouse Pointor

Many sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, and Wikipedia will show a larger image of small thumbnails images when you click them. Save yourself the time of having to click the image to view it by installing a browser extension that will show you the larger image by simply hovering the mouse over the image. In the picture to the right, is an example of a Wikipedia website Picture that is enlarged when hovering over the small picture in the Following section. Click the below link for the browser you are using to open the extension that will add this feature.

Firefox users

Chrome users


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Create a Link That Skips Unwanted Video Streaming in a YouTube Video

Easily create a link that can be posted or sent to friends that skips to a specific time in the video. This is a great way to quickly show anyone your favorite portion of a You-tube video and is a great way to make sure those friends with short attention spans don't miss out. In this example link you will notice it automatically skipped to 42-seconds into the video.
To create your own skip link, open any You-tube video, pause it on the section you want to start at, right-click on the video, and click the "Copy video URL at current time" link, as shown in the example picture to the right. Once this link has been copied you can paste it into any e-mail or web page.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Use 300 + Applications In One Installation

304 applications available in a few clicks!

In all areas : Audio, Video, Graphics, Internet, Games, Security, Education, System, etc.

     Ready to use
     Portable applications
     Automatic online updates
     Synchronization with the online catalog

Imagine the time-consumed and clutter on your PC if you have to install 200+ software utilities and the resulting performance impact on Windows Installation due to all the registry keys, updater and startup launchers of these applications, but not anymore as now you can benefit from an hand-picked selection of best free Software collection without the clutter and performance impact via a single-download named - LiberKey, the free collection of useful Windows utilities is neatly grouped into categories with a careful selection made after testing more than 1800 software's, LiberKey is all you need to have 99% of your work done without installing any other software whatsoever, LiberKey offers both local or portable use 
Many additional applications are also available in the online catalog .
This Download Available in three Types Of Suites
Ultimate suite  
Applications: 164
Download size:244.95 MB
Install size:674.95 MB
Applications: 89
Download size:182.06 MB
Install size:510.21 MB

Basic suite 
Applications: 12
Download size:42.18 MB
Install size:140.98 MB

Control Your Firefox browsing Using Voice Commands And Surf Hands-free

Firesay  Add-on enables you to surf the web using voice commands.
  • Say your search queries instead of typing them.
  • Say which sites you want to visit instead of typing URL addresses
  • Say what TV shows you want to watch
  • Say "Share on Facebook" to share pageFiresay (Beta) enables a more intuitive and efficient way to navigate web content. It complements traditional navigation methods with voice-based navigation.
Key advantages:
Save time. Voice commands can take you to your favorite sites several times faster than traditional navigation methods.

View more content. You can hide those Bookmark and History sidebars and let web content fill your screen..

Supported commands:

(NEW!) Share *any* page on Facebook or Twitter by saying "Share on Facebook" or "Share on Twitter" (hint: saying "Twit this" will work just as well for sharing a page on Twitter.)

1. "Go to", "Open", or "Launch" followed by website name. For example, say "Open facebook" to open "" in a new tab. In the future, you will be able to visit any site in your favorites by voice. In Firesay Beta, however, only specific sites are supported.

Take a look at the list of supported sites here to learn which sites you can visit by voice.

2. "Search Google" followed by a search term. For example, say "Search Google vacation in Hawaii" to search for the term 'vacation in hawaii' using Google search.

3. "Watch" followed by a TV show name. For example, say "Watch The Office" to watch The Office on Hulu. Take a look at the list of TV shows you can visit by voice.

4. "Close tab" to close the tab currently in focus.

5. "Switch", "Switch tab left", or "Switch tab right" to switch tab to the left or right.

6. "Scroll down" or "Scroll up" to scroll down or up respectively.

7. "Page down" or "Page up" to scroll the page down or up by a full page. This is identical to pressing the Page Up or Page Down keyboard button while browsing.

8. "Multitask" followed by the website name. For example, say "Multitask CNN" to open the page in a new tab without automatically switching focus to that tab.

The current version only supports Microsoft Windows 7 as it comes with an in-built speech-recognition engine which is used by Firesay to interpret user commands, the great part is that since it uses your Windows 7 speech-recognition profile you won't need to train it again (if you have done so already for Windows 7), all-in-all a must try addon if the idea impresses you.

Dowload here :-

Friday, December 10, 2010

Stream Live Video From Your Mobile Phone

What is Qik

  • Capture special or spontaneous moments on video using your mobile phone.
  • Share the moments live or anytime later with anyone you choose.

Why use Qik?

  • It’s convenient. Interesting moments can happen anywhere. Your mobile phone is the one device that’s always with you.
  • It’s easy. Before you finish recording, your Qiks are already saved to your online Video Gallery, ready for safe-keeping or sharing. What could be easier than that?

Who can you share with?

  • Anyone you choose. Share your Qiks with a single family member, a group of friends, or broadcast to your entire community. You decide.
  • Many sharing options. With a single tap, share by email, SMS, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, your blog, through your own Video Gallery on, or directly to another mobile phone.

When can you share Qiks?

  • Live. Share your Qiks live (right as you are recording them)!
  • Later. If friends and family aren’t available to watch live, they can see your Qiks anytime later that’s convenient.

    Using QIK is really simple, just download the QIK application to your mobile phone and start streaming live video, your videos can be shared with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, etc., you can also use the technology to record video feed remotely on a computer streaming hours and hours of video without worrying about storage capacity of your cell phone, your video streams are also automatically recorded on QIK servers which you can manage via a simple interface and make them private or public as per your requirements.


    Video Recording

    Capture life moments wherever they happen using your mobile phone.
    See 140+ phones supported »
    Videos are instantly uploaded to the web for sharing or safe-keeping. No cords! No waiting!


    Video Sharing

    Share videos privately with family and friends, automatically post to social networks, or broadcast to blogs and video sites.
    Videos can be viewed live (right as they are being recorded) or anytime later.
    21 reasons you’ll love Qik » 


    Video Chat & Mail

    Stay connected even when you are on the go with 2-way live Video Chats.
    Not available to talk live? No problem! Just send and receive Video Mail.
    Available on select phones now » 

    Register Here For Free :-

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Insert MS Office 2003 Styled Menu In Office 2007&2010

Like me if you also don't like Microsoft Office 2007 ribbon interface and want to use the plain old  classic menus there are several paid and free solutions available. UBitMenu is yet another free solution to the problem providing Office 2003 styled menus along with the ribbon interface without any impact on performance.
UBitMenu Features :
  • Standard -Add-In based solution.
  • Available in various languages.
  • No active code elements prevents any Anti-virus flagging.
  • No dependencies.
  • Small file-size having no impact on performance.
  • Can be easily uninstalled.

Download It  free for private use only....
Download Here:-

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fill, Share, And Save Any PDF Form Online With Ease For Free is a website where you upload your PDF form and link to it so other people can fill it out and sign it online. No software is needed. Any PDF form can be used, even if it's not "interactive", so you can get started right away. You can even invite a group to fill out your forms and track the results. Anyone that collects signatures or filled out forms will find to be a valuable time-saving resource. 

    Forms filled faster
    Easier to read
    Returned more often
    Data is searchable


No Software Needed         
No software is needed to fill out forms. Everything is done online.
Fill out Forms         
Fill out PDF Forms online with variable font sizes andcolors.
Sign Documents         
Sign forms just by typing your name. FillAnyPdf provides the traceability necessary for the "digital signature" to be valid.
 Share Forms         
Share blank and filled forms with coworkers or anyone you want.
Invite Others         
Invite people to fill out forms. You can customize your message to each person or send a group invitation.        
 View Completed Invitations         
See exactly who filled out which form and when. If you invite people to fill out a form, you can see exactly which form they filled out.
  Use Any PDF         
Any PDF may be used regardless of the software used to make the PDF. The PDF does not need "fields" to be added to the form. The entire form becomes fillable when it is imported.    
  No Printing         
Paper does not need to be printed, saving you time, money, and frustration. It saves a few trees and reduces your carbon footprint as well.
   Edit Forms       
White-out and Redaction tools let you modify old forms to get just the form you need so you don't have to find the original or create the form again.
  No Scanning or Faxing         
When other people fill out your forms, they do not have to print and then scan and email the form back to you. This means you will get more forms returned in less time.

        Do you ask anyone to print a form, fill it out, and fax it back? You can get more forms returned faster using Just send them a link and they can fill it out and sign online. No printing or faxing needed. 

Retrieve Your Complete PC Profiling and Diagnostic Reports

LookInMyPC generates a complete, comprehensive system profile that includes information on all installed hardware and software.
Additionally it provides system diagnostic information such as details on running processes, installed services, startup programs,
Windows updates and hot fixes, active network and Internet connections, TCP/IP port usage, event log detail, and much more.
All this is provided in an easy to read, formatted report that you can view and print using your web browser.
It also hyperlinked many items so you can quickly and easily "Google" them to find out what they are or if some programs might be spyware or viruses.
It is also completely non-invasive and makes no changes to your computers settings whatsoever.
It has even included a handy function that allows you to create a full system profile and diagnostic report and automatically send it as an
email ZIP file attachment to a tech support or help desk person.


LookInMyPC is an invaluable tool for troubleshooting problems and seeing what is actually going on inside your computer.

Download Here :-

LookInMyPC works with all versions of Windows 2000, XP, 2003/8, Vista and Windows 7