Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Google CL(Command Line)

If you're a fan of the utility from command line you can not help but be pleasantly surprised by GoogleCL, a new open source tools (issued by Google) That Allows access to all services through the search engine, in fact, the command line . Thank GoogleCL you can easily create a new post on Blogger or upload your photos to Picasa using only text-based command prompt, whether you use Linux and Windows, provided you have installed Python. Thank GoogleCL You Can Easily create a new post on Blogger or Picasa to upload your photos using only text-based command prompt, Whether you use Linux and Windows, Provided You Have installed Python.


GoogleCL fact is nothing more than a Python script that allows you to use quickly and easily directly, via the command line, all Google services exposed through the GData API. GoogleCL fact is Nothing More Than a Python script That Allows You to Quickly and Easily use Directly, via the command line, all Google services Exposed through the GData API.

GoogleCL brings most of all the services provided by Google to the command-line. That means, it allows users to post, create, list or delete photos from an existing Picasa account, videos from a YouTube account, edit, list or upload documents from your Google Docs account, add, delete or list events from Google Calendar or post on your Blogger weblog.

  • Blogger
  • $ google blogger post --title "foo" "command line posting"
  • Calendar
  • $ google calendar add "Lunch with Jim at noon tomorrow"
  • Contacts
  • $ google contacts list Bob name,email > the_bobs.csv
  • Docs
  • $ google docs edit "Shopping list"
  • Picasa
  • $ google picasa create "Cat Photos" ~/photos/cats/*.jpg
  • Youtube
  • $ google youtube post --category Education killer_robots.avi
    (note:- In First Time After Enter Your user-name it Redirect to browser For Access Permission and Validation ) 

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