Thursday, December 30, 2010

Save Power Energy While Surf On The Internet

 Blackle is a website powered by Google Custom Search and was created by Heap Media, which aims to save energy by displaying a black background and using grayish-white font color for search results
Blackle was created by Heap Media to remind us all of the need to take small steps in our everyday lives to save energy. Blackle searches are powered by Google Custom Search.
Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. "Image displayed is primarily a function of the user's color settings and desktop graphics, as well as the color and size of open application windows; a given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen." Roberson et al, 2002.  

The concept behind Blackle is that computer monitors can be made to consume less energy by displaying much darker colors. Blackle is based on a study which tested a variety of CRT and LCD monitors. There is dispute over whether there really are any energy saving effects

The concept behind is CRT monitors uses less energy in displaying black pixels than displaying white pixels. So using black background for web pages, ultimately reduces power consumption by CRT monitors.

The energy saved by using black google is around 750 Megawatts hours a year as per

 More details :-

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