Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity.
There are many Software available in internet for Steganography. But We use Quick Stego.
Download This software by Below Given link and install it by using this open image option in Quick Stego we can open our picture and we can enter or copy or open text file for you want to hide your text using copy,paste,open text and hide text options.
And Click hide text and click save image and save it in your desired location and open saved picture for preview this shows only normal picture.
Once you have completed the above steps then you can send the image to your friend and he/she can only open it with the this software and the password that you have used. Once opened with Quick Stego the text can be read by your friend. So use Steganography for more secure communication.
For More about Steganography read it :-
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